Climate models can't explain what's happening to Earth
Global warming is moving faster than the best models can keep a handle on.
Global warming is moving faster than the best models can keep a handle on.
Rapid changes underway in the Arctic affect the region's people and wildlife, and the entire planet.
Every year, billions of vehicles worldwide shed an estimated 6 million tons of tire fragments. These tiny flakes of plastic, generated by the wear and tear of normal driving, eventually accumulate in the soil, in rivers and lakes, and even in our food. Researchers in South China recently found tire-derived chemicals in most human urine samples.
A new report forecasts global temperature increases well above the level that world leaders have pledged to avoid.
The sudden collapse of carbon sinks was not factored into climate models and could rapidly accelerate global heating.
As average population falls reach 95% in some regions, experts call for urgent action but insist nature can recover
Despite the good data, 344 more breeding females are still needed for the species to reach a favorable status